
Creating our agency blueprint with Paragon

First - best practices for design! Use autolayout instead of groups, create components and variants. I created a project template that we used for each client that had a great jumping off point, without locking every site into looking the same. I educated other members of the design team and our freelancers to break down our silos and workstream separations.

I started enforcing atomic design principles so there would be more consistency throughout a project file, and so developers could drill down into components when they were inspecting during handoff.

Additionally, I built out starter components that we commonly used in each client CMS. This allowed us to more accurately estimate for projects in the discovery stages.

Furthermore, we could become more efficient in the design process and devote more time to assets for content-focused clients.

Then it became about keeping up with Figma - we needed to incorporate variables and modes, which in turn helped us ideate faster for different surfaces.

In the end - a more efficient design team, enabling a happier dev team, and happier clients who could use more budget toward exactly what they wanted.




Strategic Education Inc